• R1: 4 sc into a magic circle {4 sts}
  • R2: (sc, 3 sc) 2 times {8 sts}
  • R3: (sc, 3 sc) 4 times {16 sts}
  • R4: sc in next 2 sts, (3 sc, sc in next 3 sts) 3 times, 3 sc, sc {24 sts}
  • R5: sc in next 3 sts, (3 sc, sc in next 5 sts) 3 times, 3 sc, sc in next 2 sts {32 sts}
  • R6: sc in next 4 sts, (3 sc, sc in next 7 sts) 3 times, 3 sc, sc in next 3 sts {40 sts}
  • R7: sc in back loop only in next 40 sts {40sts}
  • R8-15: sc in next 40 sts {40sts}
  • R16: sc in back loop only in next 40 sts {40sts}
  • Begin by placing a pin in the middle of the piece, between R14 and R15, as pictured.
  • Thread a long piece of embroidery floss into a needle. Knot the end.
  • On the inside of your piece, pick up a bit of yarn with your needle and make a knot on the inside of the head. Begin to embroider into the 2nd stitch to the right of the pin.
  • Insert your needle one round up and one stitch over.
  • Make a knot on the inside of the head and then insert your needle back through the same stitch.
  • Insert your needle one round down and one stitch over. Make a knot on the inside of the head. Then insert your needle back through the same stitch.
  • Insert your needle one round up to make the first eyelash.
  • Move your needle up to make the second eyelash. Secure with a knot on the inside of the head.
  • Repeat on the other side. Begin to embroider into the 2nd stitch to the left of the pin.
  • Sew the ears on between R5 and R7, in line with the eyes.
  • Make a knot to secure the yarn on the inside of the head.
  • R17: (dec, sc in next 3 sts) 8 times {32 sts}
  • R18: (dec, sc in next 2 sts) 8 times {24 sts}
  • Begin to stuff the head and continue as you crochet. Make sure not to overstuff. You want the top and bottom to lay flat.
  • R19: (dec, sc) 8 times {16 sts}
  • R20: (dec) 8 times {8 sts}
  • Fasten off and leave a long piece of yarn to sew the head shut.
  • Thread the fastened off yarn through a yarn needle. Identify the eight remaining stitches.
  • Insert your needle through the the middle of the first stitch (behind the front loop) and pull the yarn through.
  • Insert your needle through the the middle of the second stitch and pull the yarn through. Continue around...
  • Until you reach the last stitch (8th stitch) and pull the yarn through.
  • Pull the yarn taut. Don't pull too tight because you'll want to leave a tiny hole in the middle.
  • Insert your needle through the hole, weaving it into the piece.
  • Pull tightly on the yarn to close the middle hole.

    Video on How To Close An Amigurumi Piece: https://yarnsociety.com/tutorials/how-to-close-an-amigurumi-piece