Lay the finished piece over the 6 inch embroidery hoop.
Insert one side - from back to front - through the loop of the hoop.
Pull the ear through.
Pull the other side of the ear through the loop - from back to front - through the loop of the hoop.
Start to pull up on the ears while pulling up on the band.
The band will lay high on the hoop. Indent the ears.
(OptionaI) Dab a bit of glue between the band and the ears to keep them in place. You can also glue the ears to the embroidery hoop so they don't slide.
Sew or glue the flowers onto the band.
Bigger flowers on the wreath (Color Made Easy yarn)
Smaller flowers on the wreath (Worsted weight yarn)
Optional - Use pink fabric glue or blush to fill in the ears.